Not enough is said about board composition in early-stage companies and the decisions they encourage founders to make. Let's look at the incentive structure of these boards and how those incentives are driving greater use of debt in venture-backed startups.
August 8, 2024
We often get asked, why Curious? It's one of the most important questions for us to have a clear answer to -- so much so that we include this in every LOI (letter of intent) that we submit. Given our commitment to transparency, we wanted to publish the answer to this question publicly. This is our promise to every company we work with.
August 2, 2024
In the world of venture capital, you might think that valuation plays a crucial role in investment decisions. As a former VC, I’ll tell you that you’d be wrong. It’s all about backing the next big thing - rather than haggling over price. We're sharing our underwriting methodology to shed some light on what we believe to be achievable when you are not restricted to traditional PE or VC ways of thinking.
May 29, 2024
Much has been said about the slowdown in Venture Capital dollars flowing to startups, particularly early-stage startups, but not much has been said about the fundamentals of why. If 2023 was the year of the of the bridge round (and we’re seeing that it was), 2024 is the year of a bridge too far.
May 17, 2024
We're excited to announce the addition of Convox to the Curious family. This is our first majority acquisition from the new $16M permanent capital fund and a perfect example of the work this fund is dedicated to doing.
April 19, 2024
Announcing Curious Fund II, a dedicated $16M to help provide an alternate path for software companies. We acquire majority interests and operate companies profitably, for the long-term.
October 16, 2023